Sunday, January 27, 2008

Acts of Love

One of the most unselfish, meaningful acts of love I have been privileged to experience comes from my daughter, who's 3.

She has a Pooh Bear that is her dearest, most treasured possession. He sleeps with her, gets dragged around by her, is never far from her side. He is a well-loved bear.

From about six months old, she has slept with him, and the position for her is thumb in the mouth, Bear's paw rubbing against her nose. Every once in a while she will switch paws.

When I have been a good mommy, or just because she feels like sharing, she will climb onto my lap with Bear, take his paw, and tenderly, gently, rub my nose with his paw.

She shares her Bear with me.

How humbling.

I hope that I am always worthy of this precious gift, both the sharing of Bear and my treasured daughter, herself.

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