Monday, January 21, 2008

7 Things

7 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I have a 1983 Yamaha Virago, red, that I love to ride

2. I love my job but the ideal one would be one that paid me to read all day long

3. Some day I'd like to go to Ireland and fit in with the other redheads.

4. I'd also like to visit every state.

5. I have knocked Hawaii and Alaska off that list already, thanks to my dad.

6. I love the smell of rain and freshly laundered clothes

7. I believe that angels masquerade as people all the time. We just have to notice and appreciate them.

Not part of the list, but one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen was the full moon tonight, shining gorgeously brightly as the snow blasted out of the sky.

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